The articles shall be written in English.
The article must be accompanied by the Statement of own responsibility on the originality of the content of the article.
1. Important to remember
- The Journal of Financial Studies is structured in two sections: Studies and research (with research articles and various studies in the field) and Opinions (where there will be materials on good practices, essays, opinions, economic book reviews in the financial field, personalities in domain etc.).
- All articles must present original research that has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers presented at conferences are accepted, provided they have not been published in full in the conference volume.
- The magazine appears biannually, respectively in May and November. For the May issue, the manuscripts must be submitted by March 31, and for the November issue, by September 30.
- Articles in the Studies and Research section should be 10-15 pages, in B5 format (this format can be found in the layout / template of the article, which you will access and download at the end of the guide), written in Times New Roman, character 10, spacing by one line. The articles in the Opinions section may have any number of pages. The use of diacritics is mandatory.
- The submitted papers must be formatted in Word with the extension .docx or .doc. The file name will include the author's name and surname (eg surname_name.doc).
- The papers shall be sent to the e-mail address: revista@isfin.ro, mentioning at the same time the section to which the paper is intended (studies and research / opinions).
2. Recommendations on the structure and drafting of an article
The title of the paper
The title must accurately reflect the content of the article. As search engines place the most emphasis on the title, it is crucial that the title includes terms that are likely to be used by readers, in order to search for articles on the same topic.
Abstract of the paper
The abstract should contain sufficient information to enable readers to appreciate the nature and significance of the topic. It must highlight the objectives of the article, the research method, the way in which data are collected and processed, and the main results. In order to increase the visibility of the article, the abstract should reiterate the key words and phrases that define the article in question, while avoiding unnecessary repetition.
There shall be indicated, in descending order of relevance, 4-7 key terms (words or expressions) that capture the essence of the paper, ensuring correspondence with the title and abstract of the article, in the spirit of the recommendations made for them.
JEL classification
The article is classified according to the JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classification, specifying the code of the relevant category, the article being able to fall into either a single category or several, as the case may be.
The JEL classification can be accessed by clicking here.
The introduction must serve to familiarize the reader with the content of the paper in question, reiterating the defining keywords for the article in question. It should specify the purpose of the article, and in the final part it will refer to the issues / aspects that will further be addressed in the article.
The body of the article
The article must be the result of a research in the field. The structure of the article must be logical and clearly highlighted by titles and subtitles, properly ranked, in accordance with the methodology of writing scientific texts. In order for the readers to better understand the approach of the authors, the following structuring of the material shall be carried out: The revision of the scientific literature, the research methodology, the results and the discussions.
Their role is to summarize the contributions of the paper, to highlight its importance and to indicate possible future limits and directions of research.
Bibliographical references
3. Rules regarding the format of the article
The title of the article is written in capital letters, with 14 Impact characters, bold, centered at the top of the page.
The names of the authors of the paper shall be written under the title of the paper, spaced by a line, centered, specifying: university or institution, city, country. Times New Roman, character 11, bold, lowercase shall be used. In the footnote, on the first page, with an asterisk, the contact person on behalf of the authors and the e-mail address shall be specified.
The abstract shall be written with Times New Roman, character 10. It is necessary that it has a number of 100-200 words, spaced by a row. Abbreviations shall not used in the abstract.
The keywords shall be written in order of importance, in TNR characters, 10.
The body of the paper shall be written in Times New Roman, character 10, spaced by a row.
Tables and figures must be dimensioned and placed in the body of the paper as the authors wish to appear in the journal. They shall be fitted on a single page. Their content will be written with Times New Roman, character 10, and the title of the table columns shall be written in Times New Roman, character 10, bold. The title and number of the tables shall be positioned above them, and the title and number of the figures, below them. The source shall also be mentioned, when appropriate. The number of tables and figures shall be placed in the body of the text, in parentheses, where they are referred to, for example: (fig. no. 1); (table no. 1).
The graphics must be clearly executed in such a way as to give black and white copies as legible as possible.
Equations and formulas are numbered, with their numbers placed in parentheses, to their right.
Abbreviations and acronyms shall be explained for the first time when they appear in the text of the article.
References, citations and bibliography
The Journal of Financial Studies imposes on the format of references, citations and bibliography the Harvard style as it is developed and published by Anglia Ruskin University.
The authors must follow in detail the guide which can be consulted online here.
Guidelines for the correct elaboration of articles can be found here.
The logical link between the article title, abstract, keywords, content and conclusions must be consistently followed.
Articles that do not meet all the requirements of this guide will not be accepted for publication.
To facilitate the writing of the article, according to the requirements of the journal, we recommend, for example, a template model in Romanian, which you can access here, and for English, here.
Only papers accepted by the Scientific Council will be published.
The paper submitted for review for publication in the Journal of Financial Studies shall be accompanied by the statement of own responsibility regarding the originality of the content of the article, completed and signed by the authors.
The statement can be accessed here.

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