Distinguished authors,
Thank you for your interest in our publication.
The Journal of Financial Studies appreciates your contribution in the form of articles, short papers, case studies, book reviews as well as any other form that can make a valuable contribution to the dynamics of the financial services sector, business and finally, for society as a whole.
The reviewing process is based on the principle of double blind peer review, the members of the editorial board shall perform an initial assessment designating the reviewers with the appropriate expertise for a thorough analysis of the paper. The reviewing shall be performed, simultaneously, by two members of the Scientific Council. In case of a tie, the article is reviewed by a third party.
The reviewers are chosen so that their specialization corresponds to the themes of the submitted papers. (Only the editor-in-chief handles the peer review procedure to ensure confidentiality).
The reviewers will evaluate the papers based on the following criteria:
- Originality of the work;
- Maximum three co-authors per paper;
- Correct use of methodology;
- The results of the research are clearly presented and support the conclusions formulated by the authors at the end of the paper;
- Bibliographic sources indicate previous research that is relevant to the topic.
Both the author (s) and the reviewers remain anonymous in the reviewing process. Reviewers will not correct or edit the paper received for evaluation.
Regarding the originality of the article, the author will have to take appropriate measures to avoid plagiarism, regardless of its forms: involuntary, self-plagiarism, voluntary appropriation of other people's ideas.
The reviewing process will typically take about 45 calendar days. As a result of this process, authors will be informed of the status of the paper: accepted, accepted with minor revisions, accepted with major revisions, or rejected. As a result of this process, the authors are invited to follow the recommendations and complete the paper either to be included in the waiting list for publication or, possibly, to improve it and continue the reviewing process.

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